Thermal and industrial plants

We cover all specialties and scopes, from its legalization to its start-up.

  • Biomass power plants

  • Waste to energy conversion


  • Biogas plant

  • Hydrogen and ammonia production plant


  • Projects and services:

In addition to purely design projects, SISENER can also carry out analysis and optimisation projects for existing systems such as:

  • Simulation of power cycles type Rankine or Brayton.
  • Optimization of steam networks.
  • Heat recovery studies.
  • Cogeneration studies.
  • Analysis of processes in general.
  • Complete simulation of processes.
  • Mathematical modeling of specific equipment.
  • Studies of productive efficiency of processes.

The team made up of thermal engineers, PID process, PFD, piping and rotating machines, gas and steam turbines, gasification, pyrolysis, boilers and grills, added to the electrical, civil, structures, instrumentation, SCADA and control specialties, have allowed us to develop biomass projects (up to 49.5MW), anaerobic biodigestion with production of 2MWe, gasification, cogeneration or use of gases from industrial processes or hot sources.


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At SISENER we have a highly qualified team with the necessary disciplines to develop all kinds of projects related to thermal energy.
Reengineering of a biogas engine plant for the production of 2 MW of electrical energy
Reengineering of a biogas engine plant for the production of 2 MW of electrical energy
10 MWe Biomass project for legalization in Lleida (Catalonia)
10 MWe Biomass project for legalization in Lleida (Catalonia)
Gasification reactor
Gasification reactor
Reactor design
Reactor design
Process oil distillation column to obtain high value fractions
Process oil distillation column to obtain high value fractions
Continuous extraction and filtering system of tank bottoms in industrial process
Continuous extraction and filtering system of tank bottoms in industrial process

(For more detailed information on work area or country go to CONTACT)

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