
Our compliance will is essential for the group's success and sustainability and this ethics commitment is communicated to all our stakeholders, who are informed about our regulations and oversight mechanisms.

1. Essential in-hose rules.





2. Other in-house rules.

SISENER GROUP's in-house policies develop some parts of the Code of Conduct that require more attention, establishing guiding principles that govern the conduct of the group, its companies, its personnel, and the stakeholders involved.

SISENER GROUP has approved policies that set its firm commitment against any public and private corruption, bribery, fraud, money laundering or illegal financing.

Anti-corruption and bribery policy 

Conflict of interest policy 

Personal Data Protection Policy (download)

Information Security Policy (download)


If you want to report any breach of code of conduct or other in-house rules and regulations Whistleblowing channel can be used.

This channel complies with the security, protection and confidentiality requirements and guarantees of the European Whistleblowing Directive 2019/1937.

Complaint channel protocol 

Protocol for complaints of sexual and/or gender harassment 

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