Social Responsibility

We are increasingly aware of the impacts that the development of business activity produces on customers, employees, shareholders, local communities, the environment and society in general, GRUPO SISENER INGENIEROS has decided to bet, like more and more companies, for Corporate Social Responsibility, as a tool that serves to reduce the negative impact of the company, on social and labor rights, the environment and ultimately, on Human Rights.


  • Compliance with legislation

    Mandatory compliance with current national legislation and especially current international standards.

  • Global and transversal nature

    It affects all the business areas of the company and its subsidiaries, as well as all the geographical areas where they carry out their activity, and therefore, the entire value chain necessary for development of the activity.

  • Ethics and coherence

    Acquire objective ethical commitments that in this way become an obligation for those who contract them. There must be consistency between public commitments made with business strategies and decisions.

  • Impact management

    Management of the impacts generated by business activity in the social, environmental, and economic fields. Identify, prevent, and mitigate the possible adverse consequences that may occur.

  • Satisfaction of expectations and needs:

    Satisfaction and information on the expectations and needs of stakeholders: social, environmental, and ethical concerns of the same in the operation and business strategy, so that value is generated for all stakeholders.



In 2018 we obtained the Aragón Corporate Social Responsibility seal endorsed by the Government of Aragón, together with CEOE Aragón, Cepyme Aragón, UGT Aragón, and CC.OO. Aragón. At SISENER INGENIEROS we are committed to voluntarily apply in our governance and management, in our strategy and in our policies and procedures, the values ​​and ethical codes, which arise from the relationship and transparent dialogue with our stakeholders, taking responsibility for the consequences and impacts derived from our actions, based on the following principles:

  • Transparency
  • Sustainability
  • Respect for employees
  • Excellence in management and customer orientation
  • Relationship with suppliers
  • Respect for the environment


Since December 2018, we have been part of the network of signatory companies of the United Nations Global Compact, thus committing ourselves to:

  • Make the Global Compact and its Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption, part of the company’s strategy, culture and daily actions. Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption, part of the company’s strategy, culture and daily actions.
  • Get involved with the fulfillment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Share, with all interested parties, the information of the actions carried out through the main communication channels.

The United Nations Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world that has the United Nations mandate to catalyze the efforts of the private sector in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and promote the implementation of the Ten Principles among the business community and organizations.

We encourage our clients, suppliers or any company to join this initiative. a unirse a esta iniciativa.

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